About Us

We like to worship, to serve, and to eat together. 

What We Believe

We believe that God’s primary characteristic is that of love and desires all persons to experience this love.

We believe that life’s top priority is to know, worship and serve God and that this is best possible through an active relationship with Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior.

We believe such a relationship with Jesus is possible for all persons despite their past actions or present situation.


Confession of Faith

The Confession of Faith from a Mennonite Perspective expresses our understanding of faith. 


Summary Statement

What does it mean to be Anabaptist?

We believe that we can best know, worship and serve God within the community of the church and that faith in Jesus not only brings one into a special relationship with Jesus but also with other believers.

We believe that water baptism is not only a sign of one’s cleansing from sin but also a pledge before the church to walk in the way of Jesus.

We believe as followers of Christ we are called to encourage each other to greater maturity of faith.

We believe that the world and everything in it belongs to God and that as God’s stewards, we are called to live responsibly with what has been entrusted to us.

We believe that peace is the will of God and that this peace has been most clearly revealed in Jesus Christ.  As Christians, we are then called to follow Christ in the way of peace, doing justice, bringing reconciliation and practicing nonresistance, even in the face of violence and warfare.

Our people

Rudy Franz
Interim Pastor

Rudy joined us in November 2021. 

emily stobbe-wiebe

Emily joined us in August 2020.

our location

We gather for worship, Sunday School, fellowship and other events at
105 Main St. N.